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Exercise Bikes

The Schwinn AirDyne Pro Promotes Full-Body Fitness

Exercise bikes

Promotes Full-Body with The Schwinn AirDyne Pro Fitness. Our bodies don’t care that we’re busy and don’t have time to work out. Our muscles don’t want to hear that we have to go to work, stop for groceries, finish a report, pick up the kids, and do a dozen other things in the course of a day.

Our physical being demands that we take care of ourselves if we want to remain healthy. So often, our schedules make time for everything but the human form that keeps us going. Limited time and space don’t have to add up to limited physical fitness.

Exercise bikes can solve the problem efficiently and, if you’ve seen the Kill Cliff East Coast Championships on YouTube, you know that the Schwinn AirDyne Pro can do it effectively. Coordination of the handlebars and pedals provides a full-body workout that rivals any other exercise equipment you’ve seen.

Schwinn AirDyne ProThe Performance of The Schwinn Exercise Bike

The Schwinn Exercise Bike allows the user to determine the amount of resistance in the workout. The Schwinn AirDyne Pro doesn’t use a resistance adjustor; as you pedal, you turn a giant fan. The harder you pedal, the greater the amount of resistance from the fan. The fan catches and resists the air.

Slow pedaling delivers low resistance. If you pedal faster, the fan responds by picking up speed, catching more air that results in more resistance. Without any special programming or knobs or buttons, the Schwinn AirDyne Pro is customizing itself to your level of exercise. This feature is what makes the stationary upright bike so versatile for all levels of exercise.

Whether you’re just beginning your fitness program or you’re a seasoned exercise veteran looking for a maximum challenge, or you’re a surgery patient engaging in an exercise program to help with your post-operative recovery, the gym bike provides an individual level of exercise that’s exactly what you need.

Monitoring Your Effort With The Schwinn Airdyne Pro

Even though the Schwinn AirDyne Pro is adaptable to meet different levels of expertise, it provides the same level of monitoring so that users can track how well they’re doing and how they’re meeting their goals. The built-in tachometer lets you know how much effort you’re putting forth. The odometer tells you the distance that you’d actually be traveling if you were on a moving, rather than a stationary, bike. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts that are provided will show you ways to burn more calories while you’re exercising on the bike. Planning your fitness program allows you to create developmental stages to monitor your progress.

Features of The Schwinn Airdyne Pro Exercise Bike

The sturdy frame is designed to support a weight limit of up to 350 pounds. The extra length of the frame, a little longer than that of a standard upright bikes, makes it more stable and avoids the wobbling that sometimes takes place when pedaling at a high speed. The mobile handlebars are what provide for the upper- and lower-body workout. For the stationary bike that’s designed for you and all the levels of your fitness program, you can’t go wrong with the Schwinn Airdyne Pro.

Buy it now with this Amazon offer!

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